Noël Coward on (and in) Theatre

Penguin Random House published Noël Coward: On (and in) Theatre by Barry Day on 2 November 2021.

Noël Coward on theatre was as dazzling and entertaining as his masterful plays and lyrics. Here his ideas and opinions on the subject are brilliantly brought together in an extraordinary collection of commentary, lyrics, essays, and asides on everything having to do with the theatre and Coward’s dazzling life in it.

Barry Day has written and produced plays and musical revues showcasing the work of Noël Coward, the Lunts, Oscar Wilde, and others. Day is a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and a Trustee of the Noёl Coward Foundation and was awarded the Order of the British Empire.

The new book is available to purchase in hardcopy, Kindle and audiobook format here


Foundation Gallery Event


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